Friday, May 4, 2007

Vonnetgut feigned death to become a flight attendant

And man did he serve me a breakfast of champions! While on the flight we were given meal service twice along with little tidbits through out the 14 hours. Each time there was always two options; meat or not, both came complete with whackyness. I ordered rice rather than beef, and was treated to a seaweed soup, or as I call it “Hot Ocean Water”. Then came a roll filled with teeny tiny roll filled with a meat paste (unbeknownst to me), which resembled sloppy joe, if sloppy joe had watched Biodome and followed in a failed baldwin’s footsteps. After naptime the lights came back on and we were treated to what I can only guess was breakfast. It was our choice Chicken or Ravilolli. Well, I didn’t want to contribute to their chicken sales so I chose Raviolli and am glad I did, as it was freakin hilarious. I’ve often wondered how far science would push the combinations of food groups, I had heard about genetically modified rice that was like eating a bowl of carrots at the same time as your rice, but never in my wildest dreams could I have forseen this. My raviolli was more or less a mash of every dish I was expected to consume, filled with noodles and cheese and peas and corn and carrots and ingredients unidentifiable. Let’s see if all of China can top Airline food.

Oh and I recommend you fly with Korean Airlines solely for the fasion, all the attendants wear these whacky neck ribbons that tied off to the side. I guess the old trend of sideways baseball cap has gone internatonal and mutated to ribbons or they all got dressed in a really strong wind.

The flight was hugely long, but we had these digital displays that had over 30 movies, all released about a year ago. So I watched like 5 different movies, but for however clever I thought I was the person in front and to the left of me really had it together, they just watched “Night in the museum” over and over. It was priceless.

My room’s really average, but China’s got a hilarous mismatch of electrical sockets, they basically try to make use of three different outlet types all in one room. So somethings I have need a configuration that only occurs once in the room. I also have a series of adaptors so I go through rediculous lengths to get electricty to something.


Anonymous said...

That remdinds me of the time when my video screen was broken so I watched Robots about five times over.

Joel said...

Your sacrafice was akin to self-flagellation, and has not only atoned for all that you can do wrong in this life but as also, in a double whammy destiny, absolved me by association.

I will now begin to make my most secretly desired dish: puppy and orphan soup. It will be all the sweeter when I laugh from grave, since I'll be burried in Valhalla.