Monday, May 7, 2007

Bookstore Madness

Yesterday I went to a bookstore, it was delightful. I primarily looked in the children's books because they are the only wants I am able to read. They had TinTin there, and something about horrible racism refracted through another language jut made it hilarious. I also found the ENTIRE collected works of Garfield. A treasure in it's own right, but it's also entirely in Chinese. Some may wonder how much 60 books would go for in China, well I'll tell you; $13. One delicious meal and alcho-drink at Red Robin is how much the life's work of Jim Davis is worth.

There were other magical things, like a faery tale book that showed a dude on the back of a tiger, grabing its ear and punching the back of its head. I found several gifts to pick up, I'm totally stoaked to give them to people.