Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Crossing Lightsabers in the Imperial City

Yesterday I traveled to the Imperial city, Coruscant, to seek a council with Emperor Palpatine. The stormtroopers were out in force, in thier green armor. We walked around Tianmen Square taking pictures of things and enjoyed it's massivley open vistas. I examined a memorial to the heroes of the revolution and was swarmed by merchants all selling Mao watches, kites, and post cards. I don't think I'll ever need to say "Wo bu yao" so often again in my life.

We then walked over to the Forbiden City and entered through the gate of 9 brass studs. Explored the various rooms, battled with light sabers and left. There's a garden, and throne room and so forth.

1 comment:

Dad said...

The father of Han Solo has at long last obtained the key to the Eastern CyberWindow and will now begin contributing comments (or mild insults if Han prefers). It has been interesting for Chris and I to read the adventures of the prodigal son - although we'd prefer that he be less Clintonesque and not share his underwear information with cyber-space. We are delighted (perhaps amused would be a better word) to read about what Han has accomplished (or survived, in some cases) and where he has gone. We are hopeful that we are worthy of some personal communication (called an EMAIL!) at some point during his first week away - but then we realize where we rank in the order of things (even lower than Jim Davis in Chinese) and we try to content ourselves with a belatedly communicated blog address.

Beware Han!!! Relatives and siblings are now privy to you daily commentary - increased sources for mild insults. And while you're at it, please proofread your daily blog, or else I'll send you a daily spelling grade.

Old Virginia proverb - You can never escape the Red Square merchants, in Beijing or Olympia.

May the force be with you.